1. The camera follows a group of students as they walk into the campus in the early morning sunshine
Mechanical Engineering
2. The camera picks out a ‘hero’ student walking towards the building. He sees the camera and smiles and continues walking. Camera follows him from the back
Business Administration
3a. Camera pans left to right as he approaches a group of students. They look up and acknowledge him. At that moment, captions appear to indicate that one is doing Chemical Eng, another one E & E Engineering, the next one Civil Eng and the ‘hero’ Computer Eng,
International Business Studies
3b. Camera pans to capture the rest of the students and ends with "I @m Engineering".
International Business Studies
I @m Engineering
Electronics Engineering (Communication)
4a. Camera transitions and tracks students from the Business Administration Faculty. Camera zooms in on the door which opens to see students inside.
4b. A girl turns around and she smiles. Camera pans to take in the lecture room with many students. As camera passes them sign pop up to indicate the courses they are taking.
4c. Camera pans while pop up appears of the various courses they are studying while caption saying "I @m Business" appears.
Business Administration
Once outside, scene depicts students of Manipal doing various activities - discussion, sports, music, studying etc.
Camera pans out to take in wide angle shot of students animatedly talking and walking, the beautiful campus ground and the signage. Ends with "We @re Manipal."