Now let's meet all of the people who help the PCRP program run.
The Intake Officer provides administrative support to all levels of the PRCP. Eventually this will become a paid staff position.
This is the Intake Officer.
This is the Inquiry Committee.
The Inquiry Committee investigates complaints and decides on next steps. The Inquiry Committee also monitors compliance with agreements/decisions. Inquiry Committee members are volunteers appointed by the AVLIC Board of Directors.
There may be times where the Inquiry Committee will decide it is best to use an independent investigator, and will appoint one to the case. The Investigator may be a volunteer or a paid contractor.
This is the Investigator.
This is the Adjudication Panel.
The Adjudication Panel considers evidence presented in a disciplinary hearing and provides a decision on the matter. Adjudication Panel members are volunteers appointed by the AVLIC Board of Directors.
The Competency & Fitness Panel considers evidence presented in an Alternative to Discipline hearing and provides a decision on the matter. Competency & Fitness Panel members are volunteers appointed by the AVLIC Board of Directors.
This is the Competency & Fitness Panel.
This is AVLIC's legal counsel.
I'm always ready to provide guidance and support at each step of the way!
As you can see, there are many people involved in the process. Next, we'll look at what happens when a complaint is received.