The propletarian was a group of people that worked hard and a lot, but didn't get so well payed.
The burgeoise was a group of people that worked very little, and get a lot.
I can heal you.
Rasputin was a men that said to have sobrenatural powers, and that he could cure seeks like hemophilia etc. But he get a sentence of death, and was killed, because he did a lot of bad things.
febuary revolution.
The febuary revolution was the moderate revolution. There the retrogrades went to strike, they started to revolute, breaking the city etc. And then the Czars were going nuts.
Provisional suckage
The provisional suckage, also known as the dual power, was a period were they had in russia two powers, provisional government(that was leaded by the bourgeoisie) and the soviets, (that were leaded by the proletarian.
October revolution,and the Bolsheviks
In the october revolution, the bolsheviks took power, leaded by Vladmir Leninn.