Hello everyone. I am proud to report that since we started our new communication style we have received dozens of positive reviews. Since there's always room for improvement I encourage you to continue offering suggestions.
That's amazing! One thing I will suggest is that we arrange the arrival of trucks. They keep arriving all at once which makes it difficult to receive the products without feeling overwhelmed.
Oh! It could also be helpful if we began to cross train Team A and B to avoid delays if one team is short one day.
Wow everyone! I really like all the communication I'm hearing. Our first meeting is going great! Keep this up and in a week, we'll have another meeting to see how things are going.
TEAM A Daily Work Orders:HJ980 (9:05AM)HJ765 (11:35AM)HJ777 (12:45PM)HJ432 (1:25PM)HJ333 (6:20PM)
Hey! Will you have order HJ908 done by 9am today?
Sure will!
Meeting 1Monday March 7th, 2029
Ok! Let me know if anyone on Team B can help you!
Hey Joe, just a heads up, I only have 21 of 25 orders filled. When the next shipment arrives, I'll be able to finish them and will send them out for delivery!
TEAM B Daily Work Orders: GC567 (9AM)GC789 (11:15AM)GC871 (12:30PM)GC090 (4:25PM)GC999 (7:05PM)
I really appreciate you letting me know about the delay on GC789!
No problem! I'll page you as soon as it's ready.
Great ideas everyone! I'll get right on it! In addition to the efficiency cross training would add, I also think that working alongside members of the other team would help to build camaraderie and trust.
Me too! I'm so excited about this new working environment. I guess communication really is key!