When light beams are close to the sun, they do not go straight. Sir Arthur Eddington led the expedition that proved Einstein's theory of general relativity for the first time. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. In 1912, Albert Einstein was born.
Hello everyone, today I will be explaining the theory of relativity. Do you have any thoughts on the subject?
What is Albert Einstein's theory of relativity?
Albert Einstein's special relativity and general relativity, theorized and published in 1905 and 1915, respectively, are commonly referred to as the theory of relativity. In the absence of gravity, special relativity applies to all physical events.
Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity was just a declaration of the awareness that we were mistaken about distances in space and time being relative. They alter depending on how quickly you move.
Wow! That was incredible!
Who established Einstein's theory of general relativity?
Albert Einstein Relativity is very fantastic!
Thank you, and we've learned something new.
That's all I have to say; I hope you learned anything from our discussion.