hi, are you a doctor? i really need help, i came back from the park with a bite mark and I don't feel too good
im actually a medical consultant and i give you advice and recommendations about your health
hmm let me ask you some questions, did you go to the park with short sleeves and shorts? and was there tall grass?
yes, I wore shorts and short sleeves, there was also tall grass
is your tick bite in the shape of a bullseye?, other than than going to the park where have you went, if you have other symtoms what are they and how severe are they?
yes actually, and I went on a hiking trip with my family, i have a fever, chills, rashes, and a terrible headache, my symtoms are very severe
you may have lyme disease due to the fact they cause all these symtoms and they live in tall grass
how do I treat it and protect my family from it?
go to the pharmacy to buy some antibiotics, you don't need to quarantine, but you do need to swab the bite with alcohol, soap and water
thank you but how do I stop an outbreak from happening in my community?
make sure you and your community wear clothes that cover your whole body next time you go to grassy areas, if the tick is still attached to your body remember to pull it out with tweezers and save it so it can be identified
ok thank you so much i will remember to tell this to my community