Have you seen the traditional irrigation systems in Korea?
Yes, The Koreans used wells, lakes and rivers as their main source to get water. They used this water to irrigate their fields and used it in day to day activities.To efficiently harness water for agriculture, the ancient Koreans created a variety of systems, including terraced fields, reservoirs, and irrigation canals. These customs were handed down through the centuries and were deeply rooted in the cultural fabric.
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Oh that's interesting, Could you tell me how Korea has progressed to what it is today?
Korea in 1960 put forward new regulations:-1)For many years, strengthening the water industry has been a top focus in the country.2)Policies were developed and implemented effectively3)The institutional arrangements were clear.4)The increase in water coverage was remarkable.5)The industrial development era also improved the irrigation system.
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Well, the modern irrigation system in Korea might have also improved to a great extent.
It has indeed improved,1)With 17,569 reservoirs demonstrating that reservoirs are the primary structure for agricultural water supply, agricultural reservoirs serve as Korea's primary irrigation facility, providing over half of the water needed for 453,000 hectares of rice fields.2) Drip irrigation systems have been introduced to minimalize water wastage.3)They are using sensors and timersThere are a lot of menthods...