Ya I'm sure I can fix this car, you just have to get the part for it
How Eysenck Sees Me
Playing video games by myself is so relaxing and I don't get mad or angry about them like some people do
Adler had the theory of birth order which meant that the order that siblings were born in determines personality. I am the last sibling so in my case that would make me funny, outgoing and agreeable which can be shown in the cartoon with me agreeing to go to the mall.
How Costa and McCrae Sees Me
I am going to beat this level on this video game, I am determined
Keep the ball and try and score
Bandura had believed in the Dunning- Kruger Effect which was the idea that the less you know about something, the more confident you are in your own abilities to do it. It is your blindness to your own incompetence and in the cartoon I would think it would be easy to fix a car not knowing there are a lot of little things to be able to fix it.
How Freud Sees Me
pass the ball to your teammate so they can score
Eysenck had believed that there were 2 factors that determined personality, being an introvert or extravert and being stable and unstable. In the cartoon I said how I like playing by myself (introvert) and how I am able to contain myself playing games which can make some people really angry (stable)
How Rogers Sees Me
I really want to start being nicer to my sister, instead of ignoring her and staying in my room all the time
Costa and McCrae believed that there were 5 traits that determined personality. Those 5 were openness, conspicuousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. In this cartoon I showed one of the trait of conspicuousness and how it can be seen in this case as determined and persistent to a task, beating the video game level.
Freud believed in the idea of Id, ego, and superego. Id is acting on impulse whereas Ego is like angel on your shoulder making you do the right thing, and superego is overall moral principles and feeling bad for doing something bad and feeling pride for doing the right thing. In the cartoon I showed the idea of ID (keeping the ball for yourself) and Ego (passing the ball and not acting on impulse).
Rogers believed in Humanistic theory which was the idea that we have a conscious, self motivated ability to change. He also believed that all people are inherently good. In the cartoon I was representing the idea that we have the conscious self motivated ability to change and in my case it would be to be nicer to my sister so I feel like a better person, also showing that all people are inherently good.