There are certain things you two should know about...
I had people tend to Gaiya's corpse.
I would expect no less. I really did try to reason with him.
In the coming times, a war may come.
It appears the base we established in the Middle East was stolen by Michael Vendetta.
Many of us defected, some are gone forever, others were arrested or killed, some even joined Mike, but I promised those of us standing here are on your side.
Right now, the Middle East is becoming a cesspool of blood. To make matters worse, the U.S. can do nothing because of the revolution I helped Gaiya start.
Charles Gaiya may be dead, but what will become of the nation?
The Federal Reserve
Those bastards really destroyed the Federal Reserve at the cost of their own lives...
Mr. President...
The White House
What's more is, the ambassadors from Russia want to know what's going on in Syria, why armed Americans have taken over a rebel base.
This is very bad. Any ordinary person can now believe they have the power to start a revolution.