A storyboard to convey the Big Bang, how different people felt about it and the modern scientific theory.
Storyboard Text
The Big Bang
Gases and Matter
Gigantic Astronomical Objects
A huge explosion from vast nothingness resulted in the Universe which gave birth to many other celestial bodies.
Claudius Ptolemy
I think we have a geo-centric universe. I am able to see many stars and celestial bodies around me. But this theory cannot be completely true as the size, brightness and motion of these celestial bodies differ.
In the first billionth of a second after the Big Bang, gases and matter started to form.
Galileo Galilei
I think we have a helio-centric universe. Nicolaus Copernicus was right about it. I will try my best to publicize this theory but I don't know what the Catholic Churches will say.
These gases and matter and rocks started to form huge astronomical planets and stars and bodies. Slowly, even the Earth and Moon were formed.
Modern Scientific Theory
Claudius Ptolemy felt that the Universe was geo-centric, the Earth being at the centre, and this theory was constant for more than 1500 years. He had referred to Aristotle's idea about the other planets revolving around the Earth.
Galileo Galilei accepted Copernicus' idea of the Universe being helio-centric, the Sun being at the centre, and started to work on different theories through astronomy.
Current scientists and astronomer believe that our solar system is helio-centric and other planets, moons, asteroids, comets etc. revolve around the Sun.
Yes, the solar system is helio-centric and all other astronomical bodies revolve around the Sun.