Form Utilities: Turning raw material into a product for consumers.Example: Restaurants mix together foods from wheat and tomatoes to cook different foods like pizza dough and marinara sauce to make pizza.
Do you guys want to go get some pizza?
Place Utility: Having a products where people can buy it conveniently Example: Selling pizza at the Pizzaria
Can we get a large pepperoni pizza?
Welcome to the Pizzaria!
Time Utility: Having a product open a certain time of year or at a convenient time of day.Example: The Pizzeria is open for 11 am to 8 pm which is the time that most people eat lunch and dinner.
Pizzaria Open from 11am-8pm everyday
Possession Utility: A monetary value that can be exchanged for the product.Example: The customers' pizza cost $12 which could be payed with cash, a credit card, or a debit card.
That will be $12.
Information Utility: Communication with a consumer about your product or service.Example: Signs and workers promoting sales.
Try our new barbeque and grilled chicken pizza!
Pizzaria Open from 11am-8pm everyday
Thank you for coming! Next Friday we will have all pizzas half off during lunch.