Made by: Richelle, Matthew and Joven Date: 02/12/2020Class: P-6
Check it out! It sounds interesting as we learn new things.
Hey! There is an ad about the impact of ipad has have over the years.
*reading*On January 10, 2010, Jobs made the case that there was room for a new category of device in-between them both. There was room for the iPad.
Hmm..... Interesting.
On April 3, 2010, people lined up in the U.S. outside Apple Retail Stores and select resellers to get their hands on it. Some 300,000 the first weekend alone.
*Shocked*Wow! So many!
By March 2, 2011, over 15 million iPads had been sold. And that's exactly when Apple debuted the iPad 2. It was thinner, lighter, and faster this way people can carry it easily and if someone want to play games it doesn't lag much.
Five years later and the iPad continues to get lighter and faster, making it even more accessible as the biggest for now multitouch surface in Apple's product lineup. It also continues to get better. Yet it faces bigger phones on one side and thinner, lighter MacBooks on the other. The impact is that people can work s much faster.
Sure did!
Wow! That's a lot of information its as much as a timeline.