During the Neolithic age, people tamed healthy goats, dogs , cattle and sheep. people used animals to help carry heavy burdens over long distances
Due to growing crops such as wheat, barley, ragi, etc., they termed themselves as food producers.
People began to live in permanent houses which brought new forms of social organization. The houses were usually made up of mud or reed rectangular or circular. People living in the pit-dwelling or mud-brick houses can also be reportedly seen in different areas.
In the Neolithic Age, people worked in agriculture,cultivating crops and domesticated cattle, sheep and goats.
In the Neolithic Age, trade among settlements in the Near East and Mediterranean Sea grew. Trade grows as people seek resources not in their immediate area. One resource that was widely traded was the black, volcanic glass called obsidian. It made excellent blades.
These Neolithic people probably still wore animal skins for much of the period. These skins would have been scraped and oiled in much the same way as the Mesolithic people had done. However, as the Neolithic period progressed, they developed skill in weaving sheep wool into a coarse cloth.
Archaeologists have found polished stone axe heads, chisels, and adzes (a type of cutting tool) from the Neolithic period. Such tools could be used to fashion objects from wood, bone, antler, and other hard materials. Stone axes also could be used to clear trees from areas used for growing crops—an important contribution to the agricultural lifestyle.