In mid-January 1945, after rescuing Emilia, a runaway Polish Jew, Florian, a runaway Prussian who used to work for the Germans but quit, runs into a nurse named Joana and a group of refugees and joins them,
You may come along with us.
Hello, I'm Florian and this is Emilia. May we join your group, we are lost and I rescued her from the Russians, she is very hurt..
I can help you people gain passage.
Calm down Emilia, we'll pretend you are someone else and we will get you on the boat.
On around January 27th, 1945, the Germans were in the middle of Operation Hannibal and were evacuating people on boats. Joana, Emilia, Florian, and the rest of the group had to wait around 2 days at a dock to board the MV Wilhelm Gustloff and evacuate. Here is where they met Alfred.
How will I get on the boat? The Germans will find out I'm Polish!!
On January 30th, 1945, a Soviet sub sunk the Wilhelm Gustloff with everyone on it. Emilia gets separated from the rest of the group and is on a different life boat.
Emilia got separated during the sinking. I hope she is OK.
Where is my Opi?!
Where is my bag? I had very important documents and things in there!
On September 1st, 1939, Adolf Hitler gave the order to start the invasion of Poland from the west, which was the action that started World War 2
Sir Yes Sir!
The Führer has given orders to start the invasion on Poland. Keep on marching men!
On September 1st, 1939, the Red Army of the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the west, leaving Poland under the control of the Nazis and the Soviets at the same time.
Da Commander!
Comrades, we have orders to move in on Poland from the west. We must hurry, the Germans have already started their invasion from the east.
On January 30th, 1945, a Soviet sub sunk the MV Wilhelm Gustloff , an armed German military transport which was carrying civilians. In the sinking, thousands of men, women and children died, and very few lifeboats eccaped.