I want gift ideas from my family and I hate having to ask numerous times. How will I know if their other grandparents get them the same thing I want to get them?
I am pretty good with technology so I would love a consolidated place with everyone's lists that is secure where I can do all my holiday shopping.
Honey have you ever heard of Grandwishlist.com?
Grandwishlist.com-One stop site, family uploads what they want-Anyone can look and if they purchase gift it is removed from the list-Reviews of products-Price comparison tool-Simple site-Order, have wrapped, with card and shipped with ease-Track package to lessen anxiety of arrival time-Secure site-Budget tracker
Johnny's List- Lego Set-Football-Mario for Xbox-Sweathirt (AM)-Jeans (30x32)
This site is so simple and I know what has already been purchased!