S.B. "Best Soccer Player Ever" S.B. "Best Soccer Player Ever"
The Story of S.B.
My name is Sebastian. This is me at 17 years old, a student and an avid soccer player.
I live on an island. Not this one, this one is small. The Island of Genial, where I live, has a population of 500,000 and you can see every inch of the island in just 2 hours.
I love playing soccer and spend most of my time at the soccer field.
One day, on my way home from the field, I was walking home when I tripped and fell into a puddle of unidentifiable liquid.
Later on that day I started feeling different. I felt a change happening in me that I couldn't ignore.
Something's going on with my eyes. What are all these things I'm seeing.
The next day I realized I was different. The unidentifiable liquid had given me a superpower. I was able to see every possible outcome in every single situation. I could use this to my benefit, I was going to use it for soccer and become the greatest player of all time.
Before using my powers on the soccer field I learned how to control it by playing video games. I winked my left eye in order to see the multiple outcomes and winked again to stop.
I realized I could use my power for good but was also scared of what I might see.
So many benefits to my power...help stop crime. keep people safe.Make better choices.
But what if I see something I regret seeing. I can't control what I see.
After much debate, I decide the soccer field is the only place I will use my superpower.
Later that month, I win the highest soccer honor on the Island of Genial
I enjoy my victory and accomplishment on the beach and plan on conquering the soccer world.