The term Preamble is derived from the Latin PREAMBULARE which means “to walk before.” What is Preamble?
It is an introduction to the main subject. It is the prologue of the Constitution.
It is not a source of rights or of obligations but It is a source of light.
There are two source of Constitution authority
The preamble sets down origin and purposes of the Constitution. It may serve as an aid in its interpretation.
Give me more information about 1987 Constitution
Article X - Local GovernmentArticle XI - Accountability of Public OfficersArticle XII - National Economy and PatrimonyArticle XIII - Social Justice and Human RightsArticle XIV - Education, Science and Technology and ArtsArticle XV - The FamilyArticle XVI - General ProvisionsArticle XVII - Amendments and RevisionArticle XVIII - Transitory Provisions
Give me the 18 article of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
Article I - National TerritoryArticle II - Declaration of Principles and State PoliciesArticle III - Bill of RightsArticle IV - CitizenshipArticle V - SuffrageArticle VI - Legislative DepartmentArticle VII - Executive DepartmentArticle VIII - Judicial DepartmentArticle IX Constitutional Commission