Welcome to the Renaissance . A time period where art, literatureand philosophy were reborn. The renaissance takes place from the 14th century and ends around the 17th century. The word renaissance has french background meaning rebirth, and that'sexactly what they did. They broughtback what was once lost.
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People during the time of the renaissance were thriving, there was this new way of thinking called humanism which allowed people to think for themselves and ask questions that nobody was asking. Even though art was more popular during this time, there were people who wanted to explore the world and discover places that nobody discovered yet.
I want to see the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
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After the fall of the middle ages, it was a dark time for the Europeans. The renaissance was a period of light and good times after the multiple pandemics and wars that were a product of the fall of the Middle ages.
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Many famous artist and painting that you know today were very popular during the renaissance. Like Leonardo Da Vinci, and The Mona Lisa. His use of realism and perspective set him above a lot of people. Many other artist strived during the renaissance. Like Da Vinci, Michelangelo was not only a painter but he sculpted as well and he is considered to be one of the best painters during the renaissance
who are you talking to, you'resupposed to be facing me.
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The renaissance was all about sharing and discovering new ideas. And that'swhen Humanism came to be. Humanist believe that certain things came to be by logical explanation and by human thinking, not by a god. But some people did not like humanism. I think we can all guess who. Here's a little hint, The church.
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Humanismwent against everythingthe church believedin . Even the church went againstwhat the church believed in. People from the church were selling indulgences, which were just free passes to heaven no matter the sin you committed. Until one man named Martin Luther went up to the church and nailed his 95 theses on the door of the church. And let me tell you, the church did not like that in the slightest bit. So they retaliated and formed their own reformation called the Jesuits.