Well, Mr. John this video evidence is solid proof that caught you in the act. So I declare you guilty but, I will be talking with the legislative branch about elaborating on this law.
Good afternoon, judge. I work for the DPS and while I was on duty I caught Mr. John here breaking a criminal law.
It's not my fault I didn't know.
Okay, this bill elaborates a lot more on the law I think we're ready to send it to the governor to get approved.
Good work guys! As the lieutenant governor I will send this off to the governor.
The governor looked over the bill and examined it carefully and thought something was wrong with it and decided to veto and send it back to the legislative branch.
I can't believe he vetoed are bill this makes no sense.
Don't worry we need to have vote on it with the Senate and House of Representatives all together and at least 2/3 of us have to approve it to override his veto.
The legislative branch overrides the governor's veto before it becomes a law the judge stops it declaring it's unconstitutional and the bill gets thrown out.