After 45 minutes of fighting the savagely fierce opossum, I finally killed it. After that I skinned the rabid opossum and used the fur as a blanket.
Not only did the opossum fur not keep me as warm as I wanted, but also it kept getting colder during the night. Even though I was grateful for the opossum fur, I decided to make a fire. I pulled the sticks off of trees and used rocks to knock bark off trees ( a trick my friend taught me) , rubbed the sticks I collected together and I started a fire.
Oh no what is that noise ? I said. as a result I grabbed a stick, set it on fire , and swung it around. Whatever it was ran away. My stomach growled and I decided to find that berry bush I walked past on my journey for food.
Following that, as i'm devouring the berries something comes behind me . When I turn around I see a blind sasquatch who then roars at me, I give him some berries and it eats them . It turns out that the weight of both of us on the cliff was to heavy and me and my new sasquatch friend fall over with the end of the cliff!
Later when I woke up my new friend, the sasquatch was tending to my leg which the pain told me that my leg was broken even so i'm happy i'm alive. It took me to it's cave and I was there for what I thought was 2 years. One night I heard a loud noise and I went outside to check it out .
Finally as I looked outside to see what the noise was i realized it was a helicopter so I took out my rechargable flashlight and flashed it at the pilot my sasquatch friend (who I now called Snow) had a sad look on his face , it was like he knew and accepted that I was about to leave him I said my goodbyes and as I turned the pilot threw down a ladder rope and as I was climbing it I yelled good bye to Snow knowing that I would never see him again.