Social Wellness is the ability to understand meet the needs of others as well as the ability to interact and listen to others. It's important to build and sustain relationships between families and friends. When issues arise, its important to deal with the issue amongst yourselves and solve which will make the relationship healthier
HonestyReliabilityOwning up to your mistakeRespecting each other'sdifferences
ProvidePatient with their children
Social Wellness
When you feel mental or emotional tension due to these people and/or events, you are experiencing stress. How you handle the stress is how you think, act, and feel. And the choices you make within the situation
Three stages of Stress
Dealing with the stressful situation
Resistance Stage
Ways to relieve Stress Take responsibility for your actions Use positive Self-Talk Pay attention to what matters the most Take responsibility for your actions
"Fight or Flight"
Your body starts to cool down
Alarm Stage
Exhaustion Stage
Defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological responses that protect people from things they don't want to deal with or talk about
Sublimation-Transforming unacceptable behaviors into acceptable one
Rationalization-Justify one's action with an excuse
Displacement-Putting your feelings out on other people
Repression-Blocking thoughts and disturbing feelings
Escape/Fantasy-fleeing from the problem