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Customize a Behavior Chart Template

If you're assigning this to your students, copy the poster to your account and save. When creating an assignment, just select it as a template!

Why Behavior Charts?

Behavior Charts are used to show the progress of students in certain behaviors. They're most commonly used to help children with special needs identify and monitor behavior. They can be unique to a student or general enough to use with an entire class.

Behavior charts generally involve setting a goal, so they really can be used as a motivation tool for anything your child hopes to accomplish. They usually clearly display the goal, and then also make space for rewards, acknowledging when the goal has been successfully accomplished. They can also help in identifying problem behaviors that need to be addressed, help with teaching kids accountability and otherwise support other behavior management methods.

Types of Behavior Charts

There are different behavior chart options in terms of design that can be effective based on the goals you will be using it to track. You can decide, while creating your template or making your design, which type is most suitable for what goals you want to track. Behavior charts are a good way to reward children for things they have to do constantly. Some of the different types are included below.

Sticker Chart

Sticker charts are great for creating a rewards structure for your child's positive behaviors. You can collect a variety of different types of stickers that they like, for instance, animals or their favorite cartoon characters. When they make progress or accomplish something, you place a sticker on the chart, or you can let them choose which sticker they want.

Star Chart

Star charts function in a similar way as sticker charts but instead the reward is a star. This type of chart is most suitable for the type of activities where you want to track, as a family, the amount of time your child was able to do something.

Magnetic Chart

This type of chart is less suitable for younger kids below 4 years old. Parents and teachers should take this into consideration, especially since magnets are a choking risk for children under 4 years old.

Color Chart

Color charts are typically oriented vertically and are suitable for behavior tracking. For instance, a color chart can be designed such that when you move your clip up the chart it means the desired behavior was displayed, and when you move it down the chart it shows that an undesired behavior was displayed. These types of charts are highly customizable, as you can associate whatever colors with whatever behaviors you would like.

Written Charts

Written charts can be helpful especially since children will be required to physically write down their tasks which will help them with memory recall and reinforce not only just completing the task but doing so in a timely manner. This type of behavioral chart design might not be best in large classroom settings but it is still useful.


Storyboard That allows you to create and use templates but you do have the option of using app-based behavioral charts. This option might actually be most suited for teens and adolescents. There might even be actual apps that you can introduce to your children or classroom so that they can track their activities on their own.

Do’s and Don’ts When Making a Behavior Chart


  • Involve your child in the process, whether it is the design of the chart itself, it could be as simple as choosing the color of the chart or by getting their input on the tasks they need to complete on a daily basis.
  • Make sure the charted activities are clear. For younger children you can ensure this by using activity stickers and icons to display the activity they need to complete.
  • Phrase behaviors in a positive light instead of in a negative manner. For instance, instead of charting activities they should not do, chart activities that they should do.
  • Keep your rewards system and mechanism creative and appealing to your child and their interests. Your rewards should be tangible and enhance the relationship you have with your child. Stickers are fun, but outings and other social rewards can also be beneficial.


  • Don’t put too many behaviors on the chart at once. Three behaviors per chart is a good limit to work towards. If it is urgent to work on more behaviors during that specific timeframe, then having more than one chart, creatively designed with even more reward options is acceptable.
  • Don’t make the consequence of bad behavior the loss of rewards for good behavior. This means that if your child has earned a star, or a sticker, don’t take it from them when they fail to meet a different goal. Their inability to hit the agreed targeted behavior might just be enough punishment for them. Not getting a possible reward is enough punishment while losing something already rewarded would be simply unfair.
  • Don’t make the goals unrealistic or unattainable and it is pertinent that they are clearly visible so that if your child is unable to carry out the activity, it is not because they didn’t understand what to do.
  • Don't use the chart as the only method of behavior management for your child. It should be used in conjunction with positive reinforcement and other strategies.
  • Don't compare the child's progress or chart with others, as every child is unique and progresses at their own pace.

Create a Behavior Chart Template

  1. When making editable behavior charts online, or designing one using posters, consider the behaviors that you want to track and nurture. It could be habits like brushing teeth, using the toilet, putting toys away, or even reading a story at bedtime.
  2. Gather the materials you will need such as posters, Storyboard That printable templates, chart paper or poster boards, stickers or stamps, as well as the list of activities and habits you want to track.
  3. Decide on the timeframe you want to include in the chart, if it is that it will span a week, a month or another period of time and compose a table accordingly.
  4. Label and date the table appropriately.
  5. Since it is a visual reminder, a good behavior chart is visibly appealing and decorated in fun ways so that children will be able to find it appealing.
  6. The chart should be designed so that it is clear to students when they are making progress and how much progress they have actually made overtime, such as a chore chart. Explain to the student(s) how the chart works, what behaviors they can be rewarded for and the consequences for not meeting the desirable behaviors.

How to Make an Editable Behavior Chart Poster


Choose One of the Premade Behavior Chart Poster Templates

We have lots of free, printable behavior charts to choose from. Take a look at our behavior chart poster example for inspiration!


Click on "Copy Template"

Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator.


Give Your Poster a Name!

Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future.


Edit Your Poster

This is where you will include details, text, images, and make any aesthetic changes that you would like. Make your own behavior chart in the style and with the icons and templates that suits you. Use the search option for other behavior graph templates you may find useful.


Click "Save and Exit"

When you are finished with your behavior chart poster, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard.


Next Steps

From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more!

Do Behavior Charts Work?

Behavior charts can help motivate kids to develop good behaviors, especially if they are coupled with a reward system. Critics do point out that this type of pairing can make children less likely to adapt to certain behaviors unless they are constantly being rewarded. Behavior charts focus on extrinsic motivation so you should try to ensure there are also intrinsically motivating factors.

Other Useful Tips for Creating a Successful behavior Chart

  • Make sure the goals in focus are attainable and age-appropriate.
  • Break the activities into milestones and make them visible so that when the full task is accomplished the progression is clear.
  • Place the earnable rewards in full view so children can see the milestone prizes they are working towards.
  • Behavior charts are not a substitute for giving actual praise to your child when they carry out an exemplary task or positive behavior.
  • The purpose of a behavior chart should be to foster behaviors that become so habitual to your child that a chart is no longer needed for tracking the behavior. As your child gets older, you may come up with even more appropriate, fun and rewarding ways to keep them motivated and on-task.
  • At the end of the timeframe for each behavior chart, it is a good opportunity for reviewing behaviors with your child and finding out what tasks they found most challenging to complete and how you can help them move forward. It is also an opportunity for rewarding them for behaviors and tasks they were able to maintain consistently.

Even More Storyboard That Resources and Free Printables

Happy Creating!

Frequently Asked Questions About Behavior Chart Posters

Are behavior charts effective in improving behavior?

Behavior charts are effective in improving behavior, but it really depends on how they are implemented and the needs of the individual child. Research shows that using behavior charts are most helpful when they are used as a positive reinforcement tool, rather than as punishment or as a negative consequence. Additionally, it is important that the chart is tailored to the specific needs of the child and that it is used consistently and appropriately.

Are behavior charts appropriate for all children?

Behavior charts may not be appropriate for all children, especially those who are highly sensitive or have anxiety or other behavioral or developmental disorders. It is important to consider the individual needs of each child and to use behavior charts as one tool in a larger behavior management plan.

What types of behaviors can be tracked on a daily behavior chart?

A behavior chart for kids can track different habits effectively depending on the child and their specific needs. Some common behaviors that can be tracked include completing homework or chores, following rules, exhibiting positive social behaviors, and managing emotions appropriately.

How often should a child's behavior chart be updated?

The frequency of updates to a child's behavior chart will depend on the child and the specific behaviors being tracked. It may be appropriate to have a daily or weekly behavior chart, but the main idea is that you are consistent in tracking progress and providing feedback.

Should rewards or consequences be used on behavior charts?

When used appropriately, rewards can be effective in motivating positive behavior change. However, consequences and punishments may not be effective in the long term and may lead to negative outcomes. It is important to focus on positive reinforcement and to tailor rewards to the specific needs and interests of the child. Additionally, it is important to ensure that consequences are appropriate and proportional to the behavior being addressed.

What should parents do if their child consistently fails to meet the expectations on the behavior chart?

If a child consistently fails to meet the expectations on the behavior chart, parents should evaluate the goals and expectations to ensure they are realistic and attainable for the child. It may also be helpful to work with a teacher or behavioral specialist to develop alternative strategies and interventions.

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