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Customize Anti-Bullying Worksheets

If you're assigning this to your students, copy the worksheet to your account and save. When creating an assignment, just select it as a template!


What is Bullying?

Bullying is when someone intentionally hurts, harms, or scares another person, either physically or emotionally, repeatedly and over time. It involves an imbalance of power, where the bully uses their strength or influence to control or harm the victim.

It remains a pressing concern in today's society, impacting children, and young people in schools and communities. It is essential to tackle this issue head-on and equip educators and parents with effective tools, such as anti-bullying worksheets, and other free bullying worksheets and resources to teach, engage, and encourage students to identify and address these situations.

Types of Bullying

Before delving into creating worksheets and activities, it is crucial to understand the various types of bullying that exist.

Physical Bullying

This involves using force to harm and intimidate others. Examples include hitting, kicking, pushing, or damaging personal property. Creating worksheets that help kids learn to identify physical bullying scenarios and their consequences can be an effective way to raise awareness about this form of aggression.

Verbal Bullying

This type inflicts emotional pain through insults, name-calling, taunting, and spreading rumors. Bullying worksheets for kids that encourage them to recognize hurtful words and discuss their impact on others can foster empathy and promote non-violent communication.

Relational (Social) Bullying

Relational bullying aims to manipulate social relationships by excluding others, spreading rumors, or using peer pressure to harm someone's reputation. Worksheets can be designed to help identify these situations, and engaging in role-playing activities can teach appropriate conflict resolution and empathy.


In the digital age, cyberbullying has become a significant concern. Cyberbullying worksheets can educate students about responsible online behavior and how to report cyberbullying incidents to adults.

Tips for Making a Bullying Worksheet

Teachers and parents can work together to create engaging and interactive worksheets and activities to raise awareness about bullying.

  1. Define the Focus: Start by identifying the specific learning objectives for the worksheet, such as understanding different types of bullying or recognizing examples of scenarios.
  2. Choose an Engaging Format: Select a format that engages students, such as fill-in-the-blanks, multiple-choice questions, or short-answer activities. For instance bullying activity worksheets could include real-life scenarios where students identify instances of bullying.
  3. Incorporate Relevant Content: Include information about the various types, the effects on victims, and strategies for prevention and intervention.
  4. Encourage Critical Thinking: Design questions that prompt students to reflect on the impact of bullying and how they can contribute to a positive and respectful environment.
  5. Promote Empathy: Incorporate activities that encourage kids to put themselves in the shoes of others to understand the emotions and consequences of this type of behavior.
  6. Use Real-Life Examples: Provide examples of bullying situations that young people may encounter in their daily lives, such as playground incidents or online harassment.
  7. Include Role-Playing Exercises: Integrate role-playing activities where students act out different roles in various scenarios to understand the perspectives of all involved parties.
  8. Include Visuals: Use relevant images or illustrations to reinforce the concepts and make the worksheet visually appealing.
  9. Include Discussion Points: Add questions that stimulate classroom discussions, allowing students to share their thoughts and experiences related to bullying.
  10. End with a Call to Action: Conclude with a call to action, encouraging students to report bullying incidents and promote a culture of respect and kindness in their school and community.

Relevant Activities and Resources

  • Designing Printable Activities: Develop worksheets and printable activities that prompt discussions about the consequences of bullying and how it affects the targeted individuals. Incorporate scenarios where students must identify different types and brainstorm appropriate solutions.

  • Role-Playing in Small Groups: Encourage students to engage in role-playing activities in small groups, simulating various bullying situations. By stepping into different roles, they can develop empathy for both the victim and the aggressor, learning how to resolve conflicts peacefully.

  • Teaching Rules and Behaviors: Integrate rules and guidelines for respectful behavior into the bullying worksheets. Teach the importance of kindness, empathy, and standing up against this negative behavior.

  • Raising Awareness and Encouraging Action: To combat bullying effectively, it is essential to raise awareness and encourage action from all members of the school community.

  • Involving Teachers and Parents: Teachers and parents must work together to create a safe and inclusive school environment. Provide them with anti-bullying worksheets and resources to engage children in conversations about bullying and promote empathy and kindness.

  • Engaging Students: Teach your class how to recognize bullying and empower them to take action. Encourage them to report incidents to teachers or parents, fostering a sense of responsibility in keeping their school community safe.

  • Community Initiatives: Organize community initiatives and events that raise awareness about bullying. Invite parents, teachers, and students to participate, creating a united front against bullying.

Bullying is a complex issue that affects the well-being of students and young people in schools. By creating effective worksheets and activities, we can teach youngsters about the different types of bullying, encourage empathy and understanding, and promote positive behaviors in conflict resolution. Raising awareness and engaging the entire school community are vital steps towards eradicating bullying and fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all.

How to Make a Bullying Worksheet


Choose One of the Premade Templates

We have lots of templates to choose from. Take a look at our example for inspiration!


Click on “Copy Template”

Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator.


Give Your Worksheet a Name!

Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future.


Edit Your Worksheet

This is where you will include directions, specific images, and make any aesthetic changes that you would like. The options are endless!


Click "Save and Exit"

When you are finished, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard.


Next Steps

From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more!

Happy Creating!

Frequently Asked Questions About Bullying

How should I respond if I or someone I know is being bullied?

If you or someone you know is facing bullying, it is crucial to respond appropriately and take steps to address the situation. Respond appropriately by staying calm, talking about it with someone you trust, and reporting the incidents to authorities. Avoid retaliation and document each incident. Seek support from helplines and build a supportive network. Practice assertiveness, develop coping strategies, and involve higher authorities if needed. Focus on self-care and encourage others to stand up against bullying behavior. Remember, seeking help is courageous and essential for addressing the situation. Resources can be found through a variety of resources, including free bullying worksheets for kids.

What are the long-term effects of bullying on the victim?

Long-term effects of bullying on victims can be severe, affecting mental and physical health, relationships, and academic/professional outcomes. One example of bullying could be when a student is repeatedly teased and excluded from social activities by their classmates. Consequences may include anxiety, depression, PTSD, self-harm, social withdrawal, and substance abuse. Addressing bullying promptly with support, counseling, and a safe environment is crucial to mitigating its impact and fostering resilience. Creating a culture of kindness and empathy in schools and communities can help prevent these lasting effects.

Is cyberbullying as harmful as traditional bullying?

Cyberbullying can be as harmful as traditional bullying and, in some cases, more severe due to its unique characteristics. It occurs 24/7 on various online platforms, making it challenging for victims to escape. Cyberbullies can remain anonymous, leading to more aggressive behavior. The widespread nature of cyberbullying causes profound emotional distress to victims, and hurtful content can have a lasting impact due to its permanent nature online. Lack of face-to-face interaction may reduce empathy from bullies, and victims may experience social isolation. Constant exposure to cyberbullying can lead to mental health issues and hinder academic performance. Preventative measures, such as educating about responsible online behavior and fostering open communication, are essential to combating cyberbullying and creating a safer digital environment for all.

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